Friday, June 4, 2010

Rule number 37: I'm not Zuez

(9:16 a.m. -Typical morning with overcast skies above the Sketch Hotel)

Guest: So, the sun is coming out right?

Me: Well, we sure hope so. It may come out in the early afternoon around one.

Guest: Well, what time exactly? That way we can plan our day.

Me: Hm, like I said, maybe around one. But you never really can be to sure now can ya'.

My response explodes with an tight smile and an extra emphasis on niceness. I do this when I am concealing my absolute hatred for the person standing across my front desk.

How, you common-sense-troubled person, am I supposed to know the exact moment the skies will clear? Do I pull a magical sky cord that lifts the clouds like a stage curtain. Or maybe I check that magical website that explains minute to minute overcast cloud movement right over our hotel. No wait, I got it, you must think my magical front desk abilities of running credit cards and giving directions also extend to controlling the weather.

What a stupid question. My elementary school teachers were wrong; dumb questions exist and are seemingly magnetically zeroed in on my life.


But, now that I think about it, I would like that sky chord. Hymph...Oh well, I'll just stay pissed at people until then.


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